Sunday, September 11, 2011

We've Been Busy!

Wow! It's been a busy first couple of weeks of school. At my school we have Open House the first full week of school, usually the Thursday before Labor Day, so it doesn't give us a lot of time to get things up on the walls to show parents. But my kiddos worked hard this year and we managed to have the walls full! Here are some pictures of the completed work the kids did in the first four days of school. I just have to say the kids have been great and made getting all this done easy!

These are the kids Chicka Chicka Boom Boom trees made out of popsicle sticks!

This Kindergarten Round Up and Tree board stay up all year. The tree is decorated every month according to the theme/ time of year it is. But the kids faces stay up all year. They are so cute! We talk about how everyone is not the same and how we all have different colored hair, skin color, and eyes.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

First day of School

Well my first day of school is over and done and I have to say it went GREAT! At my school we split the kindergarten kids into two groups. Half come on Thursday and half come on Friday. Both days went great, the kids were so cute, and I didn't have any cry! We'll see how tomorrow goes when we get all 25 kids together! That's right, 25 kindergartener's! We are actually in the process of hiring our 7th Kindergarten teacher to hopefully help make the classroom sizes a little smaller, but kids keep coming in to register!

On the first day of school, I read the story Owen and give the kids a piece of a yellow blanket, just like Owen has in the story. The kids were so excited to have a piece of "Owen's blanket." It'll be fun to see how many bring their fuzzy to school tomorrow.

I have a lot planned for this full week of school, thanks to all the blogs out there I have lots of new ideas too! I'm excited to have all the kids together and a full week ahead. I can only imagine though how tired I will be, I was exhausted just after 2 days with only half the kids!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Tree

This tree had to have it's own post. It's been a huge joke in my family ever since my mom (my "personal classroom assistant") found it at a garage sale for $10. I thought it was TO big to have, but my mom insisted it go in my classroom. We read Chicka Chicka Boom Boom the first week of school and do lots of activities with it, so I finally agreed. My mom added the alphabet stickers, and fluffed it up. And the funny part is the tree has gotten the most compliments out of everything in my room!! I guess it will be making an appearance longer than I thought in my room!

My Western Classroom

Here are some pictures of my classroom. As a Kindergarten team we all decided to do a Western theme. This is just a peek at what my classroom looks like (not finished yet!)
The birthday board made out of jean paper. The belt buckles say the months on them. I will post the "patches" that will say the kids birthdays when I get them up.

I know this isn't Western- but it's part of my room!

The sign above my kids coat and backpack racks

My bulletin board in the hallway- I had to have cowprint fabric!!

YEE-HAW! My first post

This is my very first post on my new BLOG!! I hope to make this a teachers blog like all the blogs that I follow. I want to share some of my ideas too. Here it goes!