Wow! It's been a busy first couple of weeks of school. At my school we have Open House the first full week of school, usually the Thursday before Labor Day, so it doesn't give us a lot of time to get things up on the walls to show parents. But my kiddos worked hard this year and we managed to have the walls full! Here are some pictures of the completed work the kids did in the first four days of school. I just have to say the kids have been great and made getting all this done easy!
These are the kids Chicka Chicka Boom Boom trees made out of popsicle sticks!
This Kindergarten Round Up and Tree board stay up all year. The tree is decorated every month according to the theme/ time of year it is. But the kids faces stay up all year. They are so cute! We talk about how everyone is not the same and how we all have different colored hair, skin color, and eyes.